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Walk This Realm -- coming VERY soon!

     Just wanted to announce that the writing and art of Walk This Realm is done! After having started it back around February or March, I finally finished the writing as of September 16. I'm really hyped at the fact that I pulled this one off. Last night, I sat down and just had to write the preface and the special thanks.
     I had finished up tweaking the cover for the book overnight as my friend Lars pointed out the need to tweak the cover's look a bit. All I'll say is this -- the cover itself has a certain personal symbolism to it that most people won't be able to figure out and very likely will make wrong assumptions.
     Today, after I roll out of church, I'm going to go ahead and treat myself to a little photo shoot with my sister just for the back cover to the book. It's the only thing the book's missing and I can't wait to knock that out.
     While I will be continuing a proofread I need to do on a co-worker's wife's book, more writing will come in 2011! You might ask yourself, "hey, shouldn't this knucklehead give himself a year or two before writing a damn poem or a story?" My answer's a no for this reason: if I procrastinate a certain thought or phrase, eventually it will escape and then it's back to the drawing board. Unless it's a short story, it is very likely I'll write it once, correct all typos or structure issues and, as Jay Z would say, "on to the next one!"
     I'm really exited about my new workout routine and how the results are beginning to show early as this past Friday. Oh and uh, Lincoln Center, I love your grassy field -- it helps me think a bit (just don't let me think too hard).

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