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Analyzing, Anticipation and 3rd book

     I'll start with the easiest to get out of the way -- I'm working on my third book and it's about 33%! Like Walk This Realm and the future re-release of Taking Over Me, it will be a combo of my artwork and my writing. It's a combination and conceptual style that I've chosen to stick to and very darn proud about. I had been wrapping my head on what title to give it and honestly, it was quite the task. I didn't want to name it III or 3 because it would've been cheesy. Ultimately, I decided to call it 3ra or Tercera. Going for a different way of saying, "hey, this is my third book" was pretty cool as it helps me kind of set the stage for what I'm working on. I didn't want the title to seem too similar to the last two nor give it a silly long name.
     This past Friday I submitted my request for BMCC to send my transcript over to UAPC, as they will let Brooklyn, Hunter and City College take a look at my transcripts and by December, my fate will be decided as to which 4-year will I wind up in next Fall. I'm anxious, as well as exited, as this is the change I've longed for, let alone the fact that as of November, the CUNY CPE will be done with. From there on in, I'll finally be on the exact road towards teacherdom. Meanwhile, I'll also be going for my teacher certs.
     As I was playing the damned 2nd act of Lost Labyrinth Zone in Sonic 4, something stuck out to me that was significant to me personally. When you jump on the cart with Sonic, you gotta control that thing and head towards a desired path. Mess up the flow and you'll find yourself eventually off the cart and trying to get through the level by means of difficult mazes and puzzles. It's parallel to our journey towards our desired goal -- we've got to stick to a solid and definitive plan to the T. Otherwise, you'll find yourself in a rut and in some big loop that will feel like Purgatory. You can still make it but because of the slightest deviation, it'll be harder or just take longer to reach. That's where I'm at right now in life. At a quarter century old, I'm not where I thought I'd be and changes as a result of my choices, as well as circumstances beyond me, had dramatically altered the course. It is now that I finally got it by the reins to see things flow.

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