Yep, this one's quite different from what I usually write but I figured I ought to do this. I'm sitting down here thinking about myself and the value within. While I can yap about my weaknesses or shortcomings, I'd much rather focus on my strengths. OF course, I found quite a bit.
1. I'm loyal and faithful - I'll never do a girl wrong and never would I backstab a friend. When I'm committed, I'm all in.
2. I'm sincere - with me, it's dangerous to the point of near-offensive but I'll say this -- neither my eyes or words have any deceit in them. My word is my bond and at this point, I've nothing to hide.
3. I'm loving - my family knows this, a particular ex-gf, despite how she feels right now, knows that this is a crucial part. I'm the guy that goes out of his way to help people 125% and sometimes am either taken for granted or not given the credit and appreciation I deserve.
4. I'm hilarious - in the face of an accident, a tragedy or hospitalization, I can always do some wisecracking, just like Spider-Man. Uncalled for? So the F what?! Laugh at the face of misery, you'll live better!
5. I'm strong - I can hold an entire family together in the midst of unexpected tragedy. Yeah folks, if there's anything I can take a righteous pride in, it's that.
6. I'm gracious - I go out of my way for people and usually never asking for anything in return. Whether it be a few bucks for a meal, pumping gas in a ladyfriend's car, paying the dinner bill or just being there for a friend who's depressed, I'm just there with my big heart.
7. I'm forgiving - I'm willing to bury hatchets, make peace (even with an enemy), forgive people of all the wrongs they've done to me and be able to move forward in time.
8. I'm stubborn - usually, this is associated with selfishness and ignorance but in my case, it's also a strength. I use my hardheadedness as a means to stay the course on a task at hand or in a situation unless it's very clear that there's no point in resuming on something. I'll fight for something until either I get it or unless it is pointless.
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