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from 360 to 235 in 3 years

While I'm dealing with thing or two, I thought I'd finally take the time to actually write about this. Hopefully, this will inspire a person here and there, who knows right?

About three years ago, I was a good 360 pounds. That's a major fall from grace from back in high school, when at minimum I was 234 and minimum at 282. The I started working for my job. Since then, I had no excuse, let alone a cousin who is a master trainer, an uncle who's an ex-trainer, a black belt in ninjitsu/jiujitsu and my brother, who at the time also had a stint as a trainer. Bloody hell was I determined to lose the weight and look as great as I used to.

The first thing was saying goodbye to all those damn sweets. Yup, the soda, the cakes, the excessive buffets and so on. Not an easy transition and every now and then, I'll still sneak it here and there but I've managed. I embraced great friends known as Green Tea and White Tea. I also caught up with my best friend known as Hot Sauce! Of course, I'll never let go of chicken, I'd have to be crazy.

Hitting the gym was probably one of the big things. Sometimes, like going to church, I'd push myself to hit the gym. Whether it was hitting cardio for 30 minutes, hitting the weights for about an hour or so, all in the name of regaining my former glory. Then meeting the Heavy Bag. I have one headed to my house soon and boy will it be abused like never before when it comes home!

I will admit though that I experimented on more various supplements than a junkie! From various forms of protein shakes, multivitamins, pre-workout drinks, fat burners -- been there done that. As of right now, I'm not on any of it for both financial reasons and also simple preference. Do/did I like using some of that? Of course! I didn't jump on it like it was food itself but it gave me the little kick. The only exception would be multivitamins -- you'll always need those.

Those days where you're feeling the blues, can't deal with some people because they'll act like a bunch of jack@$$e$ or just damn frustrated, take a friggin' walk. It's probably one of the most therapeutic things you can do for your body for free. Especially when people give you crap -- lots of it!

I will admit though, nothing beats the heavy bag. Sometimes, I have some fury bottled up and the only way I can let out that tension is through that effing heavy bag. Pretend it's an evil ex of yours, a bully you couldn't stand or just anyone you can live without -- and pound that bag to death! You'll find yourself breaking a sweat and before you know it, you'll have run out of steam. One time, I beat it down so bad, I literally had no anger left in me for days. I can't go on it in a happy mood. I have to be angry and pissed in order to use it.

For those who are curious as to what I used in terms of all those supplements, here are the ones I've managed to stick with (when I used them) that did me some good:

for Protein - Isopure zero Carb or Dymatize Elite
Multi-Vitamins - Opti-Men or any other multi-vitamin geared towards athletes
Fat-Burning - MRM CLA 1250, Lipo 6x or Optimum Nutrition CLA
Pre-Workout - NO Explode, HemoRAGE, NO Shotgun or Jack3d

For the record, I never have and never will use steroids. I'm not gonna judge anyone on it -- it's just my choice to steer clear from it. Maybe when I'm 80 I'll use some testosterone or HGH but until I get old, it ain't happening (laughs).

As closing comments, nothing shows better effin' results than just cutting the sweets, eating better and hitting the gym for a bit every few days. As far as my workout routines, they vary but I always keep major parts separate. Chest/Triceps one day, Back/Biceps another day, Legs/Abs another day (always putting some shoulder work on the chest and back days, of course). Hitting the bigger parts and then the smaller ones on the way down. Who knows, next week I'll probably blog my usual routines and what have you.


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