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Some things never change pt. 2

       In my last entry, I introduced the concept of forgiveness while also speaking about how the political stigma of music genres and their acceptance factor  in church life caused the alienation of young people in the faith. In this entry I want firmly state that it only leaves room for one more issue -- falling. Perhaps it may not relate to music itself at all but forgiveness is something to be read carefully on here.

       How many people must we ask forgiveness to because we shunned them over something very minute yet overblown and in turn also caused them to distance themselves from the faith. Even if that pretense isn't the best means to distance from Christ, it does not leave exempt that in approaching the matter without etiquette, class and grace, there are sheep that may have gone astray from those rash actions.

       Forgiveness also matters because these days, a lot of us Christian brothers and sisters are attacked with struggles, battles and sin left and right every day. Business is encouraged and artistry isn't given more sensibility and encouragement as a means to address struggles we may have with our identities, emotional and even sexual ailments. Identity because of desire to express, something that isn't common at all in business (since business is all about money), emotional because people sometimes may feel depressed, angry, in anguish or worry and therefore, music and art are a healthy means of expression and sexual ailment because sometimes people need to help themselves to not be consumed by sexual appetite because when you lust, it can lead to a lot of manipulation, infidelity, broken hearts and even a mess in a network of friendship and even work.

       In the process, a lot of Christian brothers and sisters are falling due to temptation, frustration as well as isolation. Let's be real -- social networking has crippled the definition of friendship. Friendship once met gathering together outside of work or religious environment as a means of camaraderie and genuine love and fellowship. Now people think they know you just based on your social networking page. Every person has has experienced a falling moment are just being judged and stomped on. Fearmongerers feast on them like Dracula does on blood. Let me set something straight -- you do not need to further remind someone about a failure, especially if they are very aware that what they did is wrong. It's not that I don't believe in correction, it's just that you don't need to correct someone that knows what they have to do. If you're in the wrong about something, you don't need someone to tell you, let alone step all over you.

       Furthermore, as the Body of Christ, we are to show a forgiving spirit. It is one thing if the person is trapped in something and need help to get out but it's quite different when the person knows what's wrong in their life. Normally, we as humans, when we slip up and slip up bad, we tend to drive ourselves into our own personal guilt trips. The very last thing we need are a group of people stepping on us, crushing us to bits, judging us on our past mistakes.

       To those that I know or don't know that have fallen or are falling, hear me out because I've been in your position. I understand the guilt that stabs into you like venom, the depression from failure that torments every brain cell and the chills of condemnation that point the finger within. Remember what John said in 1 John 1.9 ESV, "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." No need to hang yourselves over your shortcomings.

"I will not allow my past to dictate my future." - CM Punk