Another day drags on as I think about everything I left behind that I once had years ago -- titles. I look around and I see all my fellow Christians acting like they're on top of the world by calling themselves Evangelists, Pastors, Prophets, Apostles, Bishops, Reverends and so on. Don't get me wrong, I think it is wonderful when you find your calling in life and you live it out but I think it is quite a stretch to use that calling as a title as though you're trying to be extra special. There is a sense of pretention, arrogance and pride -- qualities of which Christ teaches against.
If I wanted to, I can go on about how in the early 2000's, I attended a Billy Graham seminary, certified and all, as it was about Preaching the Gospel during times of Crisis. As I have said in past entries -- I too was an evangelist under the Pentecostal's definition. You could also say I was also a teacher and more but none of these things mattered. Even being an active musician for churches, as well as ministry to outreach to people with God's love, I've played at churches, street church events, Riker's Island, bars, clubs, lounges and even McCarren Park. As Paul said, "but whatever gain I had I counted as loss for the sake of Christ. Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ" (Philippians 3.7-8 ESV).
I have never been a fan of carrying titles as a Christian. It almost absolutely comes off as though people are trying to add an extra pump to their egos with that and yet again I say, it runs against the grain of humility that Christ teaches us as the standard. Jesus didn't run around going, "stand back, there's a Messiah coming through"! Sure, he did at times make the claims such as, "Bread of life" claimed whose "Yoke is easy and Burden is Light" and "The Way, Truth and the Life" but they were rare, usually among the closest thing he had to family -- his disciples. To everyone else, He simply was. That says a lot as to how we, his believers and followers ought to be -- don't talk about your credentials because there's plenty of people in the world talking about theirs. Live what you were taught and lead by example.
One last thing to bear in mind as well -- those titles and degrees won't mean squat when YaHWeH calls you unto account for what He called you to do. Jesus won't be your advocate then because He's gonna let His Dad get his judgin' on. Remember my fellow believers, walk in humility, demonstrate the example Christ has set before us, which is nothing short of love, light, holiness and humility.
Your friend,