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update on Walk This Realm... and the journey continues!

Hey there Gunzlingers,

     Just thought I'd keep you posted in regards to my second book that I'm working on. So far, I've got 14 pages done and quite a bit more to go. As I keep writing and drawing, I find how different Walk This Realm will be in contrast to Taking Over Me. For those who haven't even glanced at the first one, feel free to buy online at lulu.com or email me with the subject titled "your debut" and I'll send you a pdf copy of the book.
     Whereas my first one goes through a jumble of emotions and styles, this sophomore effort is looking much darker, grittier and, dare I say, pretty damn grunge. It seems that my hands like to write about depression, anger, lust, hope and expectation an awful lot. The artwork itself, all of which I am drawing and painting, seem to coincide with the vibes as well.
     The way I see it, my writing reflects the battles that I have going on within my spiritual journey. Usually, so the thinking goes, we like to go from happy to happier. The problem here is how shallow it sounds. The reason it sounds as such is because there is no scratching of the surface. It is as though people expect growth without brokenness. You can't expect life to really shine and happiness to glow without piercing and confronting the legions of depression, anger, sin, death and disarray that bombard us from day to day. It's ironic yet comforting that such mighty things such as joy, comfort and peace are born out of the decimation of legions of horror. The very fact that this little detail is usually overlooked at times is a bit staggering to me. Everyone wants success yet a lot of times they forget the most important elements-- the blood, sweat and tears, the sacrifices and the suffering that tend to chip at us night and day.

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