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Year of the fighter

       This has been, so far, a great year for fighting games. Either in terms of release or announcements. The last leg of 2009 will count in this too. We got Tekken 6, Street Fighter 4, SUPER Street Fighter 4, Marvel Vs. Capcom 2. We also got the announcements of Marvel vs. Capcom 3 and Mortal Kombat 9. While MVC3 isn't out until June '11, gameplay footage shows absolute excellence. MK9 will be out around Christmas time and it also looks awesome. If you missed old school MK's way of doing business, rejoice. If you awaited 10 years for MVC3, be as joyful as the people that waited for Toy Story 3!
     Speaking of year of the fighter, this doesn't just extend to video games. This goes for us as a country, whose economy is on its knees. This isn't the time for peace be still. This is a time to fight to survive and stay alive. Our economy is in a similar situation as someone put into a trap from Saw. If we really cherish our lives, our ideals and our dreams, this is the moment to kick, scream, stomp and lacerate our way through. Believe me, it's been a weird year so far for me and the fam and my heart goes out to everyone else that's scratching and survivin' for some good times.

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