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Immigration II, Obama.

       Apparently, I woke up this morning to discover that little by little, the media's trying to draw attention away from the economy and towards immigration. Arizona's Governor is to blame. Then I overheard something on Univision about the issue reaching New Jersey. Oh boy, looks like they're making this issue take a big precedent. Then I read on the NY Times about people telling Obama to not deport their families and protests in Washington, Chicago and other places in the country. The situation is reaching a bigger pitch than expected.
       The first thing I will address is how people drag Obama into everything. First of all, the economy being in the crapper has nothing to do with him--we all know this has been the result of the United States' failure to remain separate from England's tax system. Recall that the whole point of Pilgrims moving to America and Colonial America revolting from England was for the lack of freedom of religious expression and an unfair tax system that brought people's financial situations to their knees. America, since the 1920's, re-bound themselves with taxes. Our Constitution says the right to "free tax" not "free to tax". On top of that, the credit system and federal reserve got us into this mess by lending us our money with interest! Look at the effing credit system! It's like using a loan you have to pay back with interest. If you can't pay back, you either go to a company that helps resolve credit debt issues or file bankruptcy, in which one credit company after another start buying each other off, taking money out of their pockets and a whole circle of debt in motion! Wall Street's blunder is the symptom of a deep underlying issue.
       To accuse Obama of deporting illegals is very immature. Our government's accused of not enforcing immigration laws. I'll repeat that in english-- the federal government is not enforcing (not putting to full effect) the unfair laws they themselves set up. Fourty Nine other states aren't really doing anything about illegal immigrants. I'll bet my entire gut that the bulk of illegals are in California, Texas, New York and Florida. The one they need to beat the snot out of is the Governor of Arizona. She signed off on a policy that overrides that of the federal government. Obama spend God knows how much time on health care reform, currently dealing with financial reform and suddenly, "Obama, don't deport our families". Deporting illegal immigrants, in my view, is the least of his worries. Heck, in his silence, he's basically saying, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". Translation, "This isn't Auschwitz. I'm not Hitler. I'm in no rush to deport anybody because apparently the federal government isn't either."
       The only way this can get bad is if the protests cease. This line of fire I commend, just don't direct it to Obama. He didn't make that law, that crazy, racist b*** did it. Get your a$$e$ out of elsewhere, take a plane to Arizona and protest what she did until her skin color changes!
       I've really gotten tired of the new president getting the blame for stuff that's hovering on us, all of which was built up just in time for when he was to step in the White House. Heck, only two years and we're talking about his legacy! We're more worried about a freaking cartoon pissing someone off & blaming a black president for decades worth of plight than worrying about getting things done with the economy. I think there was more worry about immigration when Clinton was in charge. We were in a surplus when they were talking about immigration. Bush, eh, not so much. Bush only gave bad speeches and focused too much on oil, Iraq and gay marriage. I lived through three presidencies, I would know. Everything seemed normal with the first Bush, Clinton seemed fine and W didn't seem all that bad until 2003. I was too young to remember Reagan but times were tough in his final years.
       In other news, Bullet For My Valentine pulled off their third album terribly. I liked Scream, Aim, Fire and I felt The Poison can kiss my butt but Fever left me in a state of stroke. I thought Metallica's Reload was bad but ::Lewis Black laugh:: I was wrong.

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