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Meltdown 2!

Welcome back, my dear friends! I got a few good responses about the 1st meltdown workout I had shared and I figured I'd also share the 2nd one I did recently. This one focuses more on biceps, shoulders, a hint of abs and ultimately the back.

barbell bicep curls 4 sets 15 reps
dumbell bicep curls 4 sets 12 reps
front shoulder raise 4 sets 12 reps
side shoulder raise 4 sets 12 reps
shoulder press 4 sets 10 reps
hammer of Thor 3 sets (each side) 12 reps
ab crunch 4 sets 15 reps
bend over barbell rows 4 sets 12 reps
deadlifts 4 sets 10 reps
Lateral pulldown 4 sets 10 reps


Oh, Sleeper - Children of Fire review

I can honestly say that Oh, Sleeper are one of those metalcore bands I do have an affinity for mainly because unlike some bands these days, they don't base everything on a chugging breakdown -- they have lyrics that speak and certain have a sense of creating some dynamics via layers of lead guitar and rhythm. Granted, it's the lead guitar melodies that keep me going. When I am God showed promise and Son of the Morning definitely had them step up their game further, so what does Children of Fire give us this time?

Their first cut to start is off is Endseekers. They give you a good punch with guitar melodies, and a whole band shouting together. The song appears to be about how we get deceived and dragged down to hell so to speak but that it's time to whip hell right back at 'em and break free.

Shed Your Soul brings faith to question -- the whole, "What if what your faith was misled and wrong all along? no god, no church, no nothing?". Definitely something I didn't expect from Oh, Sleeper. Pretty quick jam though.

The Marriage of Steel and Skin sounds like the tale of a man walking in and having found a love one wrecked and brought to ruin...and he's ready to tear someone apart! Very ferocious and gives this album a sense that this is a concept album, very much like Son of the Morning.

Hush Yael has a clearly different side to Oh, Sleeper. They pull an intro vibe similar to something 30 Seconds to Mars would do. Before you know it -- musical punch in the face! The vocal harmonies have improved and much less whiny. I found the reference to April 22, 1979 to be interesting -- the date when Samir Kuntar led a terror attack in Nahariya, resulting in the death of five Israelis, including three members of the Haran family.

The Conscience Speaks seems to be a pause on all the madness with an acoustic interlude.

Dealers of Fame deals with how fame can turn a human being into a puppet of addiction or worse, a power hungry monster. Like some of the songs, lead melodies and intense vocals throughout.

Means to Believe gives you a more stripped down, acoustic ballad side -- something not usual with this band and have to say, not bad. The protagonist is apparently in a state of contemplation, asking God for answers in the midst of his chaotic journey.

In The Wake of Pigs tears at self-righteous leaders, false prophets and dare I say, even sickening politicians that lead people along like sheep to the slaughter. Someone's got to draw the line of righteousness and sin and the protagonist has tired of the garbage this world has been fed -- so much tolerance and so much shade of grey, where's the line of right and wrong going to be drawn?

Claws of a God is about climbing back up, healing and regenerating after having fallen from grace in life but to beware the zealots and the filth that continue to to try and tear at you.

The Family Ruin takes that new Underoath sound as they paint the picture of the surviving daughter looking at the father that attempted to avenge her. The story makes you wonder about something being amiss here -- why would a father avenge a daughter that he himself abused?

Chewing the Stitch seems to take on how redemption never seems far out of reach to most of anyone.

Children of Fire closes it out like it started -- guitar melodies, group shouts here and there with some fury. I love the guitar melodies here throughout the verses -- they remind me of classical music somehow. Yes, they throw in some new Underoath synth work in tiny doses here and there. It sounds like the narration comes to a close in a final ferocious war of blood and sand. Dare I say, this reminds me a tiny bit of my favorite show on Starz, Spartacus!

Overall, I found this album more enjoyable to listen to throughout than Son of the Morning and has more of a lasting ferocity than When I am God. By far, I enjoy how they continue to put that lead guitar to good use for melody in order to not fall in the "chugging breakdown is the new solo" slavery that a lot of metalcore bands are falling into. The addition of different elements of synths and even acoustic ballad parts are more than welcome for a music listener as myself and having the band shout together every now and then is always fun to hear, given that not every band pulls that off.

The Meltdown workout!

Hey folks! Thought I'd share with you all yet another blog of a workout routine I put into work today. This one, while I may get some criticism, all of which is more than welcome, so far is one that I currently feeling. Usually, when we work out, we do the big muscles first and the minor ones later. Funny thing was that a trainer challenged me to do the reverse. Why? According to his theory, it would leave you no choice but to put the major muscles to work on the workouts where they are supposed to be the major targets. So it went as follows:

Skull Crushers 4 sets 12-15 reps
Triceps Pulldowns 4 sets 12-15 reps
Wolverines (tricep cable crossovers) 4 sets 12-15 reps
front delt 4 sets 12-15 reps
rear delt 4 sets 12-15 reps
ab crunch 6 sets 15 reps
bench 4 sets 15 reps
dips 1 rep

The reason I put 1 rep on dips is because by the time I got to the dip, even with weigh assist, I was done. From there, I realized how strong my triceps are but how weak my pectorals actually are. Again, I'm always open to constructive criticism on this.


CD's or Mp3?

Now this is possibly one of the most random topics I've ever hit up in a long time but I figured I'd write about it before I lose my train of thought. For about the past 5-6 years, most of us have accustomed ourselves into buying an iPod, iPod Touch, iPhone, Zune or some sort of mp3 or multimedia platform that provides us with music as we travel to school, work, driving or en route to hang out with friends. You would think that the CD would be rendered obsolete. I will be the one to firmly state that the CD won't be dying anytime.

Being that I lived throughout the 80's, 90's and 00's, I've seen all sorts of means for music to be stored. Thus far, it is the CD that tends to stand strong. Why? Think about it -- the average person with an iPod find themselves either buying a new one or needing to replace it in barely 2 years! The audio cassette is easily prone to damage and if you're an avid mp3 player geek, I guarantee you that you will find yourself running through a few of them within a few years. This is coming from a guy who had a Zune's headphone jack die after 2 years, an iPod die within a year and a half, lost an iPod, had it pick pocketed and even die while plugged to an audio dock. As for my Sony Walkman mp3/CD player? 10 years and it lives strong! While I may be a big fan of the convenience and ease of dragging and dropping music onto an mp3 player in contrast to needing to take time to burn a cd, nothing beats the longevity of the CD player. The most you'll have to worry about is putting in a new AA battery in less than 2 weeks.

There's also another element to the CD format that is less appreciated -- listening to an album. CD's sold like crazy because musicians and artists busted their rear ends to make the music they have to market to the masses and in long term, people not only buy but also would recommend it to others to buy it due to how enjoyable they found it to be. Sorry Gaga but if people are buying singles instead of your albums, there's something wrong. I understand why people buy singles now though -- who wants to pay 10-12 dollars for an album that has only 2-3 good songs to enjoy? In that case, instead of going for singles, I think the artist should strive to give the listener, casual or avid, the biggest bang for their buck when they buy an album. Iron Maiden's Number of the Beast was enjoyed as a whole by everyone that bought it, as was Michael Jackson's Thriller, U2's Joshua Tree, Third Day's Offering, Creed's Human Clay, AC/DC's Back in Black, Led Zeppelin's IV, Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon, Santana's Supernatural just to name a few of the multi-platinum/diamond status albums.

Granted, there's always the debate about p2p and illegal downloading. So long as the artist continues to deliver the best service they can offer at what they do (making quality music and genuine artistry), your loyal fans will buy. If your material is crap, it's a little more likely that your stuff will be downloaded by torrent engines. Let's be real -- if you can afford a computer, you can afford buying an album. Heck, these days, there are even offers that end up having you buy an album for only 8 bucks instead of the stand 10-12. Hey, no one can get a lawyer for free and even with health insurance, there's no sure chance of getting surgery done cheap either.

In the end, nothing comes for free. You wanna be loved? Love yourself first. You want to be a teacher? Hit them books, get your certifications and get your resume out there in those departments of education. You want to be a great entertainer. Study, practice, sweat (possibly some blood) and tears. Unless you're born into the Trump or Hilton families, it is a real possibility that you need to bust your chops and step up your personal dreams.


On The Inside: In Contemplation -- my first recording at home!

Hey everyone,

After hours of recording, thinking, editing and meditating, I finally made my first recording at home through my MacBook Pro on GarageBand. Usually, I'm never this excited but this time, it was like, "dang, I made something that's pretty cool". It's very passive and meant to invoke a sense of peacefulness and I hope you all feel the same about it. The link is listed below:


One Love,

Ron Gunz


10 years later

Yes I know, I succumbed to the 9/11 trend in blogging, mainly due to it being 10 years later. I figured a facebook status would be far too short to unleash my sentiments towards this. My sentiments, as cold as they might sound, aren't as somber and terrible as the rest of my fellow NYers. I'll start, however, with where I was.

I was at health class at Franklin D Roosevelt High School that morning when suddenly, one of the school staff members walk in and tell my teacher that the Twin Towers got hit. I was like, "what the heck?!" Sure enough, my aunt picked me up and we drove all the way to Cobble Hill, where my uncle was living at the time. I remember looking at the sky and seeing that trail of grey and black hovering over the jewish cemetery next to my school. It was a pretty grim look yet eerily cool all at once. I remember calling my friend Jenn later in the evening just to see how she was holding up. Thank God she was fine, as was her folks.

How do I feel about 9/11 ten years later? Pretty numb to say the least. Don't get it twisted -- it was a terrible day. Brave men and women helped some people survive but my goodness, people had plenty of time to run the heck out of that building without hesitation! If I hear a strong boom in my building, I will run the heck out of my house! Those people that weren't security, firemen, EMT's, policemen and military personnel that just stood around and watched, you should've run for it. Don't bother trying to get benefits from our country because you got sick. You should've run like Roadrunner, not stood around going, "oh, look at the building fall, oh my God". You're just as sick-minded as all the individuals that year in and year out cash in on this tragedy. It makes me sick to my stomach that this one moment is being used as a means to cash in and make money.

So how do I feel about 9/11? I feel it is time to move forward and stop being stuck living in the past, worrying about what should've, would've, could've been. Thousands are dead and never coming back. I know what it's like to lose someone very dear to me and quite honestly, my heart goes out to the people that are forced to be reminded of their losses over and over again. It's time to permanently kiss the dead goodbye. Instead of "Never Forget", we should be asking, "What have we learned?" To be sincere, in the words of Jigsaw from the Saw series, "Cherish your life. Live or die, it's your choice".

By no means am I being cold-hearted about it, I just believe that so long as we treat that day the way we do, people will continue to have their scars busted wide open, minds will continue to live in triggered turmoil and the elitist bastards we ever so despise will continue to smile as they cash in on this. Every time you buy a 9/11 or a Never Forget shirt, you're approving the fact that this event is worth milking over and over. I think it is an insult to us as a nation and a disgusting move in absolute inconsideration and disrespect to the families that cry over their loved ones. If you think this isn't disrespectful, how about this? Let's make a day to remember Pearl Harbor or The Holocaust. Yes the Holocaust. I dare this country to pull that off -- I guarantee you that every Jew will come out of the woodworks and protest about how disrespectful it is to their parents or grandparents that either have died during that period in WWII or survived and still living with the trauma from those days.

And that is the entire iceberg!


Insomnia the Sleepless Brain.

Yep, 3am and in some cases, known as the devil's hour. This is possibly the fourth day in a row that I'm struggling with insomnia -- or at least bursts of it. In the process, lots of thoughts clutter and race through my mind -- about the past, present and not so distant future. Perhaps it's the restlessness talking but...ever wondered about the possibility of when one thing is left that somehow, down the line, you end up back to an unresolved area? It's just a thought, nothing more...even though I can break that down to a point that's absurd.

Meanwhile, I've been revisiting a certain place in my past -- an area that's been a thorn until now. Yep, Pentecostals never saw the last of me. I thought they did but apparently that's not the case. There have been a few gigs where I've been called in as a hired gun on my guitar and hey, one always goes in ready. Of course, in my jeans (or sweats) and some flannel (or some t-shirt) -- looking like I jumped out of 90's Seattle! Indeed, things have changed in the past 10 years. No longer is a guy like me looked upon as some heathen. I guess they learned to push some image to the side and be more open to seeing the fruits of a person's character. I can honestly say that now I don't have to keep etched in my mind the preconceived notion that it has been me vs. them anymore. Turns out that people do change in time, as well as how they perceive.

I went back to reading The Christian Atheist by Craig Groeschel. I got curious and as soon as I opened the book, I wound up in the chapter, "When you believe in God but won't forgive". Clearly, something's wrong if by chance you wish ill will on someone. There's even more wrong with you when you hold a grudge and especially when you don't forgive. Feel free to say, "ouch!". Don't know about anyone out there but life is too short for me to hold grudges, holding a chip on my shoulder the rest of my life, let alone do something that is, well, not my style -- hate. Thank God that that specific side of me is long gone. I simply cannot hate. Have a sense of pity, love, mercy, sympathy, empathy, anger, frustration and disappointment? Absolutely! Somehow, hate is something that isn't a part of me anymore. Love your neighbor as yourself as they say. Forgive them, pray for them, at peace with them. Heck, it's been said that if you say you love God but hate your own brother, you're a liar and a murderer -- and we all know what's up with people that have a heart tainted with such a thing. It's like a freaking cancer to the point that you self-destruct slowly to the point that you're no longer yourself (mostly) and before you know it, it's a fight to either regain what makes you the person who you are or a journey towards positive change.

I may not be known to counsel but motivating is something I do with joy and I hope someone out there got something out of this.


4, Bad Teacher review and other things

Boy does it feel good to be back in school. I finally got some time to kill and something better to do. It's gonna be interesting to learn the history behind the English language. As far as thinking mathematically, let's see if I can (laughs pretty hard).

I recently sat down and watched Bad Teacher, starring Cameron Diaz, Justin Timberlake and Jason Siegel. To be quite frank, the movie felt B-movie-ish. Cameron Diaz did a good job playing a teacher who uses the means of cheating to get high scores for her class to get money for implants, only to not get them anyway. Justin Timberlake was your very generic dork and lacked any real charisma. His best scene was dry humping Diaz. Really? That's your best scene? I shake my head at such a thing. Jason Siegel, while a good actor and has some funny moments himself, seemed a bit tame and seemed more like a PG version of Jonah Hill (Superbad). If you paid 12.25 to see this movie, what an utter waste. A few chuckles here and there but in the end, just another generic, "I'm going to pretend to be a teacher to win money" movie -- all of which has been done far better in the form of School of Rock. Should you watch this, just Netflix it or something.

For those not in the know, I've begun to write a comic book story simply known as 4. It consists of four people from four distinct areas in their time and lives that reflect the four horses of the apocalypse -- War, Famine, Pestilence and Death. They all somehow escape these backgrounds together to travel elsewhere and meet a guy named Haissem, whom know their purpose. Granted, I'm simplifying the synopsis here because 1. the story is only beginning and 2. the interactions between these characters are for you to find out (once this thing is released). As far as who is doing the artwork? My best friend and fellow bandmate, the Sid! Sure, I'll put in my graphical touches but this will be his avenue. As far as how I'm writing it, it's all off the cuff. I don't have a preset idea or an assumption as to how it will go. I'm allowing my improvisation do the work and, in turn, create a story that can be unpredictable. Crazily enough, it's that same improv style that triggered me into creating particular interactions, consciously or subconsciously.

I've decided to take a time out on Walk This Realm. Why? I'm really sucked in by 4, as well as everything else going on. Also include the fact that, due to the much darker nature of the book's theme, I need to step away for a bit before my creative juices get drained. While it is good to recognize and dig deep into the darkest place of your heart as a means of understanding what changes you need in your life, there comes a time when you just have to detach yourself for just a bit because too much negativity can be a sheer poison to your soul and everyone else around you.