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Time for a change

"Enough is Enough, it's time for a change"- Owen Hart

     These were the words that echoed in my head as I hung up my cell after a good talk with Pastor Sammy Cuevas tonight. Change is really needed in my life and I look forward to it.
     I would like to thank Awakening Church for helping me in nurturing a spiritual rehab in my life. Before fellowshipping with them, I was becoming a mess. Looking for relationships, disappointed at all the flakers that never supported me in a single damn show, seeing my finances kind of go haywire to even my self-esteem going back and forth. My faith in my own fellow brethren in Christ was slowly fading as well, given that I started to see how hypocritical and phony a lot of Christians really were. I witnessed one of my best friends get judged and sent to hell with pink drawers in a handbasket meanwhile he's trying to find truth and God in the midst of the madness he's enduring. I also found myself spiritually burned out, hanging on to simply the name above all names and hanging onto my soul in the process. You get tired of pleasing everyone. You get tired of also not pleasing anyone. Damned if you do or don't. No one could understand that (that I knew/know of).
     As time passed, Awakening helped me come to my spiritual senses and remember that some people can easily be pleased and some people simply will never be won over. In the process, though, you do what is best for the sake of your soul, for the sake of your love for God and/or whatever you believe in and for the purpose of doing what, in the end, will matter to you. Ladies come and go, friends come and go. Hell, in some cases, even family come and go but your own being always remains. IF you believe in any deity, then God and yourself are the only two things that matter. You just can't show full love to others if you can't love yourself. Thankfully, that's something I'm learning to do and I'm enjoying it very much.

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