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The Social Network aka The Facebook Movie REVIEW!

     Happy thanksgiving to all, hope you all had a wonderful holiday! Unlike past Thanksgiving Days, this year was quite different. It was one that simply consisted of my family, my cousins and their boyfriends having a good time. I also got to catch up with old friends from Lirio de los Valles. It had been almost six years since I had spent time with any of them and to be in a room with them was indeed golden. I also bumped into Detective Rodriguez, God bless him.
     With all of that said, I finally sat down and watched The Social Network. Indeed an interesting watch as this has been the closest thing to an insightful documentary I've seen all year. This movie was clearly for people that are social network junkies as this movie is dedicated to how the facebook phenom came to be -- as well as all the entanglements of legal, emotional and philosophical processes. I found it rather crazy for me as far as how the phenom itself won't be what will take your attention but rather the maddening complexities that relationships of people that incepted the idea, stole the idea and even betrayed one another in the process. Thank God I'm not a business major!
     The movie, in terms of length was quite short compared to what we're used to these days. Almost every movie out now is a good two hours strong whereas this movie was an hour and a half. It made me wonder if some movies would be better if most of them got trimmed down. Some movies could use the extra time for more development but most movies in theaters deserve a chopping.

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