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Changing the pace

     Oh the drama of human life! So my building is apparently violating human rights. Don't believe me? They won't let anyone take their pets outside the vicinity, need to walk around with ASPCA at all times to prove you own your own dog and guests aren't allowed to bring their pets. Cherry on top? Everyone is now entitled to only one dog or cat, not both.
     On the other hand, school's the usual and working two jobs hasn't changed much. At least it keeps me busy. Finally learning to get myself back. The other day was a day of which I wrote letters to key people from my past as a means to make amends and close chapters in my life and move on. As one of the songs on my iPod would say, "close the door and don't look back". I honestly didn't realize that somehow, in the last month and a half, I got blurred. I found myself not acting the usual. Both my girlfriend, as well as my brother, pointed that out and I'm damn grateful to both of them for reminding me to be whom I've always been.
     I look so damn forward to Spring Break, as well as the end of the semester. There will be lots of rest I've needed for a while and an adventure to behold. Well, my mind's finally blank and have nothing better to write. Just live, love, laugh and friggin' rock on!
     A day later and a work shift, something hit me. There's something I'm aiming for in the next three months. As many who know me know, I talk too damn much, can be as critical as dad, beat around the bush like mom and about as adhd as one of my uncles (laughs hard)! An important thing rang in my head, "Slow to speak, quick to listen -- even if you sometimes hate it thanks to your slightly small dose of patience". Hey, in life, everyone's got their spot to grow up in and I happen to not be exempt.
     I'm also learning to not take things personal nor let things itch at me easily. That in itself can be difficult because usually I'm very much a "heart on my sleeve" guy at times. Again, just another part of learning, experiencing and growing up. Sure I'm 26 but as someone once told me, "So long as you live, there's always something to learn. The day you stop, either you're dead or you've become too full of yourself".

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