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the dry August

Apparently, August is my dry month so far. I've barely been able to write anything of value.Who knows, it could be due to stress, burnout or it simply isn't my month. You'd think with a twitching left eye and a stomach in knots would be more than enough to inspire but apparently, it isn't happening.

Taking Over Me is already revised and re-released. Heck, it's at a good price too! Walk This Realm, on the other hand, it has some work cut out for it. The former can stand alone but this one has yet to be fully blossomed. This writer's block is killing me because I need the inspiration to flow in order to be able to re-release this in the form it ought to be. The inspiration has kicked in but they're coming in small bursts. I need them to flood like rivers of living water here!

I do see this though -- Taking Over Me reflects a back and forth, almost a sense of bipolarity in emotions or in some ways, a duality. Walk This Realm, though, as it continues to be re-shaped, is looking dark. Then again, it's supposed to be about digging deep into the darker and more vulnerable side of you and believe me, it's getting there. Heck, the stuff I'm reading from what I wrote kind of jumps at me where I'm like, "dude, is that you?!" The way I see it, it's best that it reflects that dark journey for this reason -- you can never appreciate the glory if you don't know about the struggles within the person's story. Mind you, all of this before I let the 3rd book I'm working on takes its form. It's meant to close the book on my inner struggles before moving forward to the better times of life.

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